all the anger and the eloquence are bleeding
Start attacking our wolf buddy! The kill will be made by Halo!

     It was instinctual, to hunt like this. From the earliest dawn of the time of their ancestors they had been hunting like this. They still hunted; and they would do so now with this fool. A howl directed him towards his cousin, and there Gabriel ran—he caught the scent and found them. The wolf was charging further into the territory, with Anselm and Kaena at his heels, and Halo advancing from not far off.

     Gabriel took a gamble, and pushed forward with a final burst of speed. This was rewarded; the Aquila found his prey. The wolf balked, and Gabriel snapped wildly. His teeth missed catching flesh, but his shoulder collided with the wolf’s own. With a snarl Gabriel went tumbling into the tall grass, feeling the sudden ache of hot pain in an abused muscle.


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