So while you sit back and wonder why

private, 300+


Days were pleasant when spent in loneliness. Lillith still glimmered brilliantly with her absence, and it never occurred to the chaotic man that he should set out and look for her. Lillith would not be found unless she wanted to be, and she always seemed to make him come to her those times. No, he respected her privacy. Their relationship was still a shy bud that had yet to bloom into a final result. The chocolate and cream Lilium did not know where he had her, but she was definitely his partner in crime. Oh, and what a magnificent partner she was. It was pleasant. She had shown him the open door to an odd freedom he had never dreamed of while still being in the leadership of one of ‘Soul’s packs. For this, he was forever grateful. He had yet to ask her exactly what she got out of all of this. Of course, he and that dark woman were meant to be together, but where were those words written? Were they written in ink or blood? There were a lot of unanswered questions that he ached to force forth answers for, but he could not do it that way. Not with Lillith.

The rabbit was still not aware of his presence, and he wondered if it ever got the opportunity to be so, because a set of jaws and a snap instantly resulted in a broken neck. Haku was a magnificent hunter, deadly silent and unnaturally fast when his fangs shot out to destroy. A few spasms went through the little body before it went limp. Haku quite liked to play with his food before devouring it, but not today. He was still gathering strength from that horrible fight with that terrible scarred woman. Eyes gleamed dangerously as he lingered on those memories, but there was also admiration present. She was the first woman that had stood up. Officially the first woman that had kicked his ass hard. How he would love to meet her again. The man turned around and started to pad slowly back to the cabin that he had once stolen from his ivory mother and lived in ever since he came to these lands. This was what he seemed to do nowadays. Hunt, eat and sleep.


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