The Sport of Kings

all the pretty little horses
blacks and bays, dapple and greys

     There were so many that Heath did not know. The strangers made him uneasy, especially around the stables that had been his home since he had joined the pack. He didn’t mind pack members roaming around. His own horses where usually following him where ever he went, but now that the wolves of Aniwaya had been invited to join the race Heath was fighting the territorial feeling that they brought him. He was glad that Haven was beside him, and had stayed close to the Knight since they all began to prep the horses.


The male spoke, and Heath grinned at him even though he was sure he shouldn’t have. Haven looked ragged and someone had certainly hit him a few hard times. Heath hoped that the other guy looked worse then his friend, maybe they would be able to talk about what had happened. But for now it was time for focus and concentration. Heath moved in the saddle, hearing the call of the tribes leader and then the voice of the King.


Heath sat up and forward, and Lumière shifted beneath him. He wanted to win, wanted to show that he spent so much time in the stables for a reason. The mare looked to the track and heath mimicked her gaze. Then the signal and the pack of horses and riders were off. He kicked into the sides of the roan mare, sanding her forward as he had taught her. The merle horse took to a gallop in a few steps, and Heath urged her faster and faster. Dust flew around them as it was kicked up by the riot of hooves against the dry track. His heart could be heard in his ears, and his breath grew ragged as the adrenalin flowed through his veins


by sace

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