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Thick thunderheads rolled in from the west, booming and announcing their presence. There were a few lightning flashes here and there; Lightning always accompanies thunder, as it seems. Trees swayed together with the grass as the wind tossed them about, howling with laughter. Bi-colored eyes searched the ground carefully, looking for any herbs that could potentially save someone's life, or do something as minor as healing a wound. The young medic was always out and about it seemed, even if it was about to storm. Though she had come here hating rain and storms, Asariel had actually come to like the rain. Now if only she could begin to like snow, now there would be a miracle.

As she meandered along, eyes searching the ground, she picked out a type of narcotic plant; she hurried to investigate. The woman decided to take a quick break beside it; she sat down in the long grass and watched the small creek that parted the fields. The wind tossed her thick chocolate mane about, causing her to sigh in annoyance. Really, she should just crop the whole thing off. But, she wasn't exactly sure what would happen then. Would it grow back? Most likely. All things grow, after all.

...Except for rocks.


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