She can dance now, see?

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

A series of sounds had drawn him off his path and in the direction of the Aston den, and once there he found that his ears did not disappoint him. At first he said nothing, staring at the young female as she went this way and that, amused. Truly, Noir Aston would continue to fascinate him, and though she might act selfishly and foolishly from time to time, her heart was in the right place. He only stood there a moment before he stepped forward; a smile on his face and his arms outstretched - like a triangle, with its top point being his head. "Noir! What's this racket you're making, eh?" His voice was humorous, and he doubted the girl would misunderstand it as anything else. After all, that was the side of him she had seen most of the time the two had spent together, so she would be familiar with it. The whiskers on his muzzle and over his eyes shook a little as he awaited her reaction, and his smile remained on his face. He was getting old, but his furs already had natural traces of gray, so perhaps these long whiskers were the only thing giving him away. The baby duck who was no longer a baby duck waddled around here and there and provided easy amusement if one was looking for it, but his eyes was on the young girl and her new-found form. Perhaps it was pride, the feeling that filled his chest.


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