Put your hands into the fire.~ [m]
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... itaban.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

I epically lol'd. <33 Where '***' is, I was strongly tempted to put 'gawd, he's so hawt. O3O <33' AND YES. Ghita was flirting. >> Deal. <3 Love the table btw! ^-^ Wc: 500+

Blinking her large turquoise pools a couple of times, she felt her friend toss and turn on his bed, where eyebrows should be furrowing in confusion. Confident he wasn't about to wake up, she put her chin on the bed, watching his anxious face grimace and thrash from side to side. *** Just what the ebony male was dreaming was far beyond her; it looked like a pleasant dream at least.

Because her name was said, it must mean he'd seen her. Brightening a little, she stood on her hind legs, resting her forepaws on the bed and leaning further in. "Hey there, handsome." It was still early in the morning, so she kept her voice down, unintentionally adding to the dream he was in. Something changed suddenly, and she straightened up, larger ears sticking right up with the rest of her cranium trained on him.

"Jazper?" She asked again. When no response was gathered, she decided against better ideas, to act. Coiling her new Secui muscles under her, she found herself leaping on the same bed, littered with animal pelts. A very faint creak was the only thing that gave her away, until she nosed him lightly on the upper arm. "Jazper, it's me. It's Ghita, Jaz."

When he finally looked up, his yellow orbs would find her sitting barely a foot away from him. The brown and silver menagerie of colours splashed on her pelt which had grown massively 'over night.' Where as before her figure was slender and smaller than Jazper ever had been even as a young teenage- wolf, now the Italian fae looked as if she had been stretched and molded, like silly putty, and weight had been put in all the weirdest places. Her mane was something she was growing prouder and prouder of the longer she stayed in this form; Starting just behind her ears like a reverse beard, it rippled down a quarter of the way down her (now massive & wide) back, wrapping around her first few ribs before carrying on down her chest.

It wasn't just her 'mane' that had thickened - her whole pelt had as well, just less so than her mane. Pondering back briefly to her days as a nomad, she now regretted more than ever how long it took her to learn how to shift. Many a cold night could've been prevented in this form - and she imagined more distance could've been covered as well. Unsure of how cold winters got here in Crimson Dreams, she'd have to wait and see just how her new form could be used. Much to her content, her piercings were just as comfortable as they had been in her Lupus form; Those parts of her either didn't change much, apparently, or the rings were large enough to tolerate the difference.

Even in Italy she had never been comfortable under a roof. The rest of her family seemed more at ease than she was, once again making her the black sheep of the lot. Even so, she wasn't fully opposed to becoming used to living like this. Staring around Jazper's room while she waited for the temporary insanity to fall, she grew more and more fond of it as time went on. Those who walked around in Optime form back in Italy had worn clothes, so that was what she thought was natural. Now realizing that her Optime form had paws more like hands than anything, the prospect excited her to use those for weaponmaking.

Not that she was violent or anything like that. She had made weapons from time to time, even as a Lupus. Using vice grips and other leftover tools she was fully able to make weapons. However crude, they still managed to get the job done. Sitting here now, an idea gripped her violently, lighting excitement in her heart. Jazper would be the first to see her as Optime - the first time she'd try to shift would be today.


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