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For as much time as she spent alone, Poe couldn’t say that she had lived a life of solitude—even while sitting in times of such. Watching the waterfall swallow up snowflakes, Poe sat languidly by the water’s edge, a fading trail of footprints leading to the unsettled circle of her creation. Bundled up in the sheepskin coat that she had taken a liking to, particularly when it came to sitting on the ground, in the cold hours that straddled twilight and dawn, she thumbed the lip of her wine bottle and allowed her mind to drift. Dances around faces that she had loved, once or twice or forever. Ana’s surreal hair and giggling smile, Physe’s lighthearted wisdom and warming smile, Willa’s slender, healing hands. And then there was Hollow with his dark aura and twisting words, and a smile that whispered secrets and hurt, for whom she never did come to know and now never would. Vienna and Silver, her interlocked muses for more than she had been able to comprehend, sinful and insightful. And Luz. Luz, who had simply come too close, been too much. So she too, had been left. Just like every one before her, Poe had left before dawn and not returned. It was the way that she worked, as instinctual as drinking upon thirst now. They had all known her well enough to understand though, hadn’t they?

She knew that her projected question would get no response, from the waterfall, the snow, the hints of morning light that peered at her from behind the horizon. Damp, velvety ears turned back against her head, the D’Angelo girl glanced down at her wine bottle, considered its remaining contents and then poured them down her throat. The alcohol certainly didn’t make her forget them, nor did she wish it to, but it helped the cold night pass. Poe felt around in her pocket for the cork, finding first one of the bird bones that she had come to carry around. The lower half of a beak, delicate and grimy-white, it still managed to look brilliant in the palm of her dark hand. Without much thought, let alone hesitation, she dropped the bone into the bottle, following it with the cork to seal it all closed, and then tossed the green, clinking bottle into the water, just before the waterfall. It disappeared, then popped out and rushed past her, quickly following the pull of the freezing current. And Poe made a silly wish, the way she had been told to on stars.


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