haemoglobin is the key.

       Though the coyote woman had been starved for solitude as of late, she was glad that Mason had come to accompany her. His company was wonderful, and it was rather useful today—the silvery woman had wondered what had become of the white wolf, and if she was to face retribution for her actions. Certainly the wolves would be angry one of their own had been attacked, though the coyotes certainly saw things on an entirely different spin.

       The hybrid woman listened to the youth and understood his struggle for words. She was hesitant for a moment, and she shrugged her shoulders. "Stupid? Most of them," she said drly, shrugging her coal-dusted shoulders. "We got the brains, they got the brawn." Coyotes had been granted with the gift of cleverness and intelligence, while wolves got the weight and the strength.

       The ash-colored woman shook her scarred head. Some of the wolves were alright; Naniko was a good one. Ahren had been a good one, though there was a darkness in his soul, and perhaps that was what had made him so attractive to the monochromatic canine. Zulifer had been something of a different matter, for he had professed to be a coyote, trapped in a wolf's body. In hindsight, the silver canine could certainly see that supposed condition for the bullshit that it was, but it did not cheapen the sable wolf in her memory.

       "Some of them are good, but I would not trust any of them for a second until they prove their trustworthiness." The coyote woman was hesitant to open up about hybrid blood; it was an often uncomfortable subject for the ash-colored canine. Still, as Mason aged, it was obvious he himself carried a good dose of canis lupus himself, and he deserved to have someone with which to discuss the matter. "But maybe if it was not for a dash of wolf blood, Inferni wouldn't have stuck together so well," she ventured, tilting her head to the side as she eyed Mason, gauging his reaction. Did he hate himself for something he could not help? Kaena had wasted many years hiding and fighting her unwanted wolf side, and she wished to spare Mason as much of it as she could.

Thanks to Akumu for the table!

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