
.......Sorry for the mega fail! 300+

Brook wasn't sure what to believe any more. Her mother had not come back to Crimson Dreams. She'd gone to some other pack and although she had hoped otherwise, she'd chosen someone else over them. For a long time, Brooklyn had contemplated moving there, but the ties that bound her to her homeland could not be so easily broken. She loved the Manor and the memories that came with it, she loved the way everything worked there. She didn't want to succumb to someone else's rules, not now and not here. Halifax held little for her now, especially with the way it reminded her of her mother and the terrible addiction which had torn her family apart, but it was still a beautiful city to lose oneself in.

The bang came as a shock, and the young wolf jumped, settling immediately into a combat position. However, it seemed that no one was attacking her and with the smell of burning gasoline permeating the air, her curiosity was piqued. She followed the scent carefully, trying to make herself as unseen as possible. It was hard, especially in her coat and in Optime form, but it would do for now. The fire caught her attention and she stood and stared, her mouth open. It was beautiful, to say the least. It burned so majestically, engulfing everything and turning the sky bright. It fascinated her like the fire of the house her mother had burned had managed to fascinate her. She approached, heedless of her own safety. What mattered now was to increase the fire, to make it burn brighter than ever. The wolf standing some feet away could have been a ghost for all she could see of him.

"Beautiful," she exhaled softly, trying not to break the spell of the moment. Oh, if only she could make it last longer, if only she had the knowledge to make more fire.


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