like a sick domestic abuser, looking for a fight

     Psh, you don't have to apologize. That's not even a wait Tongue I'll be much slower than you. Also noticed that the link to your avatar is broken, but I have it hosted on my photobucket here Smile 500+

     It felt as if the weight of all this were crushing her, making it hard to breath if not nearly impossible. She had never expected this. Had never imagined that Ehno could or would betray her in such a way. Her mind was unable to process it. After all the D'Angelo had done, how could he do that with her? It felt like he had turned his back on his family to be with the person who had caused them all such pain. The mother couldn't even imagine what this news would do to Cambria. She loved her uncle, and to know that he was having children with the woman that had been the cause of what had befallen would break her heart. Not only that, but it would make her bitter. Savina knew her daughter well, and she was not a hateful creature, but when it came to this subject it was there. There was a deep hate for that powder and for the wolf who had brought it into their home. The drugs and the poison words that had been exchanged that day were only half of the bad feelings she herself felt towards Naniko. She had claimed to be her best friend, and yet on one of the most joyous occasions of her life she had not been happy. She had not wanted Savina to be with Kansas. So much she had tried to take from her and now she was trying to take more. Take the one thing that she had thought she would never have to be without.

     The Marino heard and smelled her sister approaching but made no move to look at her or say anything. There were no words and even if there were she wasn't certain her voice would give them life. She felt the presence and warmth of her sister sit next to her and could see the tint of silver in her periphery. Her failing heart pulled in the direction of her sibling, needing to feel her comfort. Ehno was slipping away from her and she could not bear if Ghita slipped away again as well. Her family meant the world to her and she did not want to lose them all. They were so small to begin with and the loss of even one dealt a horrible blow. The Crimson Dreamer couldn't handle another one. Though she couldn't make herself physically search Ghita out. It was not her sister's style and she couldn't risk doing anything to push her away.

     The pressure of her sister's neck above her own was a surprise, but a welcome one. Eagerly Savina leaned into that embrace, tears instantly forming in her eyes. The woman had so little strength now. The slightest breeze could make her fall to pieces. "Non so come questo successo..." Her voice was smaller than a whisper. Had she done something wrong? Had she done something to deserve this? Her heart felt like it was slowly being torn apart and her soul along with it. Lids clamped over her eyes as the tears started to flow freely, little rivers forming in her fur. "Sono Ghita spiacente...Non dovrei essere stato sconvolto con lei...Sono spiacente..." It couldn't have been easy to watch her sister have the pups that had been taken from her. Her sister needed her understanding not her scolding words.


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