destroy to FEEL.
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Hybrid felt powerless. He was trapped beneath Samael in more ways than one, and undoubtedly at Samael's mercy. The mere thought of relinquishing all his power and dominance to the other male made Hybrid cringe. Samael could destroy him any moment he wanted. Samael could break him and scar him, and Hybrid would not be able to do anything about it.

Samael drew blood. Hybrid gasped, writhing uncontrollably at the sensation, overcome with pain. Hybrid snarled, throwing his head back, breath heaving laboriously. He grasped at Samael again, clawing for the other's head, in need of something to hold on to.

The smell of blood was apparent. "Samael," Hybrid snarled, whipping his head from side to side. "Samael," he repeated, deeper and more forcefully. His words came out mangled, drawing out the syllables, barely managing to utter the other male's name. Hybrid snarled, confused and worried; he could not tell what he was feeling now. Pain? Anger? Arousal? Somehow, Samael manged to break all his preconceptions, and now, Hybrid didn't know what to think -- or feel. It wasn't too long before he would break.


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