
        Just being so close to her filled him with such solace and such longing all at once. He longed for her to look at him as he looked at her, yet he knew such a thing could very well destroy them both. He envied the men she’d slept with, allowing them to take and taste what he so desired. Molochai had been his temporary stanch, as so many others before and after. Anyone and anything he could pour his lust into he did without fail, fulfilling his needs and desires with ravenous frenzy. To claw them apart, and claw at himself, losing himself in mortal, physical pain to ease the suffering of his mind. Even with the peace he felt at Kaena’s return, his soul was destroyed and his mind a broken, failing machine. Each and every day he was dying, slowly inching closer and closer to the inevitable. He didn’t have many years to last—none with a shattered, ailing mind could expect to outlive many of the creatures around them. He was killing himself, draining his blood and being onto the ground with the force of his own nails.

        This feeling of content was only a brief, short-lived easing to his internal agony, and soon again the voices would speak and the darkness would beckon. He would fall into the pit, dragged down by the many demons that haunted him, fated to spend eternity torn from limp to limp again and again in an endless, eternal cycle. His wings were torn and mangled, creaking and groaning with each pained, pathetic movement. Maggots would soon force their way through the backs of his eyes, eating away at his brain and soul. He leaned his head into her chest, taking in her familiar scent and the simple touch of her fur against his cheek. “I dreamed.. that I lost you,” he stated softly, voice fading into a quiet, mournful silence. Murder and death filled his thoughts, dreams mingled with insects, decay and darkness. He could feel worms crawling beneath his skin when he closed his eyes, and smell the heady, thick stench of decay all around him.


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