
         In some ways Samael wanted to die. He wanted to feel the life fading from his body, growing cold as darkness swept across his senses. He wanted to be torn apart and mangled, withstanding a pain greater than anything else he’d experienced thus far. He slashed his own body to pieces, but he never made that final cut—that last slice that would drain all of the warmth from his flesh. He knew with an absolute, unwavering certainty that he’d be reincarnated into the true demon prince—the hellish, indomitable Prince of Fear. And he enjoyed taking lives just as much, feeling their fear as shadows devoured their senses. He almost adored taking lives most of all, destroying strays he found in the city and anyone that crossed his mind at just the wrong moment in time. The flash of a blade in the moonlight and a muffled thud as it entered yielding flesh—just the thought thrilled and aroused him into sheer ecstasy.

        “I love you, mother,” he whispered, uncaring of the rest of his family as long as Kaena was by his side. Oh, Razekiel and Ahemait had once held utter adoration from the male, but time had drawn them apart in his mind as memories dulled and faded into history. It was as though they were dead to him, lost and buried beneath ash and six feet of soil. The others had never held as much. Mortals never meant much to Samael save dear, sweet Kaena. “I will never leave your side unless you ask me to,” he continued, voice soft and reverent as a child’s in the presence of god, for she was truly a goddess in his eyes.


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