You turn around and they're almost grown
anyone who wants to come in now can

It took a minute to get what she wanted him to get people for, but when it did come to him, he slightly panicked. " aren't...they aren't about too....are they?..." His eyes sprung open wide with surprise. "Oh. Shit." He uttered as she explained to him to go get help, he nodded, but should he really let her run back to her cabin alone? He didn't know if that was a good thing to leave her by herself with the pups, but there wasn't any time to really debate it now, they were on their way, and Ty had to go find help.

Without another second of hesitation, Ty had bolted out to go find help, switching to wolf form as he did. As he ran, he began to shout and holler for aid, yelping "Hey! Geneva! Anyone! Help me out here! We got an emergency!" However, he stopped running ofter a second, he shook his head in realizationof his own stupidity, then slapped himself in the forehead, muttering "Wait a minute...I'm a wolf, duh!" Planting all four feet on the ground, he inhaled deeply before letting out a distressed howl for aid. He hoped it would get someone's attention, the howl was loud enough for birds nearby to fly out of their trees in a small panic. It echoed across the land for anyone nearby to at least hear, if not get a jolt from it.

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