And when the troubles arise, we hold on tight

I was going to make this post short, ha XD 500+

It was a time of celebration, the Commander just wished she felt more like celebrating. It was hard to be happy about this momentous occasion with all the things that weighed on her mind. Ehno was gone for now, off awaiting the birth of his children. She hated that she wasn't all that happy about that fact. She hated even more that she would not be there to witness the births of her future nieces and nephews. The woman had always imagined being there as her brother had been there when she had given birth. It was not to be though, but it was not her fault. A little bitterness leaked into her heart at the thought. She honestly didn't know who she should be more upset with, Ehno or her. It was probably her, but she was very much angry at him as well. Though that anger mixed with her pain and her fear of him leaving, a dangerous cocktail that left the fey feeling hollow and lost. Such moods were not ideal for celebrations or for being around people in general. It wouldn't be right for her to be absent though. Savina was the leader now and was expected to be present. Thank the gods for Anu though. Without her this wouldn't have been possible.

Bejeweled orbs took in the sight that her second-in-command had created. Even in her melancholy she could appreciate the beauty of the scene. Anu had put a great deal of work in preparing the area and it really had paid off. Savina didn't think she could have done better even if she had been in a mood to organize the occasion. The lanterns, the pumpkins, it all looked so wonderful and the feeling was that of warmth. That warmth couldn't penetrate her chest, but she could feel the soft glow of it around her. As Anu looked at her she managed a small smile, but wandered off a short distance as the call to gather the pack was given. She didn't stray far, but she needed a moment to collect herself. She didn't want the pack to see her in this turmoil, so as she did with the pups, she would paint on a plastic smile and act as if everything were fine. It wasn't an easy task, but she would do it. Some knew of her anguish, but not all, and she wanted to keep it that way.

Leaning down she picked a solitary wildflower that lay in the grass. Soon all of the flowers would be gone, the weather turning cold and desolate to match her mood. But for now she was able to look at the small bud and gather a little energy from it. She turned to return to where Anu and Mati stood to see the orange figure of Maldrid joining them. The femme hadn't seen the male since she had accepted him into the pack and had thought he had moved on. Apparently he had not though and he began to play on one of his instruments as she rejoined the trio. That soft smile was on her face and she nodded to him, though said nothing, content to let his music be the only sound.


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