contaminating everything [p]
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Oh, dude, I didn't post for like, a week with anyone because I was busy doing other stuff, and I felt like I hadn't replied to anything in ages and I had like 20 threads to do and I was like @_@! so I thought I took forever on all of them. XD

    Rurik had been using all sorts of substances since he was a young canine; in his adolescence he had experimented and dabbled with all manner of diffferent intoxicants, but of all of them, he still preferred simple liquor and the buzz of a good blunt. There was nothing quite like it to the Russian male; with the harsh smoke of marijuana he could contemplate and think more clearly than when he was totally sober, even if he found it a bit discomforting to be in social situations when he was high. Though, that did depend on the company—he found this Lolita creature positively fascinating and pretty, and she definitely made good smoking company.

    He noticed she had not sparked the cigarette, and it ocurred to him that she might not know what it was. Dried tobacco was something of a staple over in Europe; the Luperci were just as easily addicted to it as their human counterparts, though it seemed to have lesser effects on the werewolves than it the humans. "It is tobacco. Small chemical—little effect and quick. Don't smoke too many, or you will smoke for a long time," he warned, speaking from experience. The Russian had been smoking many years, and it did eventually take its toll. His breathing sometimes came up short and there were strange pains in his chest, but he figured he would die someday anyway, so there was no sense in not enjoying the time he had left.

    The Russian listened to the philosophy once more, tilting his head and grinning as the familiar language came from her mouth. He understood some of the words, even—Empathy Havazik, his second-in-command and once-Beta, had been from Hungary, and it was her mother tongue. He smiled almost wistfully at the memory, and nodded. "Azt hiszem. Language is a funny thing—all of us comprende leetle bits and pieces of different langues. Wortes travel from one to another quite often," he said with a grin, demonstrating with a few different languages that they were similar enough to interject into a sentence of English. "We might be able to understand leetle bits and pieces of what they say, but not all of it," he said, shrugging his shoulders.


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