contaminating everything [p]
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    Rurik had always drank. As far back as memory stretched, he had been stealing sips of his older brothers' vodka when they were children, and once he was able to stand upright at a bar they'd served him, no questions. Luperci were blissfully freed of concepts such as a legal drinking or smoking age, even in the more civilized parts of its world. Even so, there were times in the Russian's life where he had been dependent on alcohol to keep him motivated through life. There were low points during his time where he'd been unable to function without being intoxicated. The silvery wolf didn't look too kindly on those parts of his past, but they were there all the same, and there was nothing he could do to change it.

    The silvery Russian grinned, shrugging a shoulder. He'd been smoking a long time, almost as long as he'd been drinking, but it was a habit that often waned. He could go without if it was necessary, but he liked smoking and he liked drinking, so why would he give it up? After all, there were far worse substances one could find oneself attached to, far more destructive things one could insert into one's body. He smiled, and nodded, approving of her decision. Though he wasn't her father and she didn't need his approval of anything, he wanted to affirm her good choice. "So long as ya tried it once, mine father says," the good-hearted Russian said, nodding his head. Vik was satisfied so long as his kids endeavored to at least sample something once; if they flat-out refused he was highly displeased and he would often pressure them until they gave in.

    Grinning, the Russian sheepishly shrugged his shoulders, taking a drag of his cigarette before speaking in a low, smoky drawl. "Igen, egy kicsit. Mine first mate vos Empathy Havazik, Hungarian-born," the Russian said with a grin, shrugging a shoulder. "She teach me little pieces of her language, and I stay in Budapest for some months," he said with a shrug, still smiling. "I have seen lots of the world, yes," he answered, nostalgia filling his voice. There were many places in the world he would have liked to return to.


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