caught in a world that won't stop burning
[html]; background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;"> Hey I need to bother you on AIM later. :O

    Both of Gabriel’s children were gone, wandering somewhere out in the vastness of the continent. He hoped, as was the futile hope of all parents, that they had found each other. Ezekiel, certainly, could survive. Talitha, to her father, was still a fragile flower. While her innocence had been ripped from her (by her own uncle), she was still perfect in his eyes. Gabriel was no doubt blinded by his adoration for the girl, but she was his first and only daughter, and he had killed for her (and would again, certainly).
    There was hardly any meat left by the time Rurik returned with a bottle of clear liquid. It had been a long time since he could remember drinking, but he recognized the scent as soon as it was released. The concept of a toast, however, was something archaic that had faded with time. Smiling wistfully, the hybrid focused his attention onto Rurik, though all instinct demanded he inhale the rest of his meal. “Toast, then,” he echoed. His scarred hand, which no longer held a memory, lifted the cup.


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