left hook, you've got dead aim

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The call that Cercelee had been waiting for finally sounded, and reluctantly she rose to answer it. Throwing back her head, she answered, her message stating that soon they would be face to face and that whatever issue needed to be addressed would be. Cercelee already knew the issue as she set out, and with a start realized that Tokyo’s den was not so very far from her own. In lupus form she made good time, and it was hardly enough time to get back into character. She recalled the day she had come upon Princess, so distraught, and the pleading and begging of the girl. She recalled the story they had conjured and then the role she had assumed. As if it were not all an act Cercelee had adopted an authoritative voice, and commanded the girl to leave and had bid her to gather her stuff before the chance was lost to her. In a “thank-you” that Cercelee would soon not forget the girl had acted her own part and stormed off, leaving the Rosea to wait for the day the girl’s mother came calling.

The day had finally come and Cercelee arrived merely moments after the original summon. Dipping her head only slightly at the female, Cercelee sized her up all the while her face was warm, pleasant, a perfect mask. Always Cercelee knew how to wear a mask, but playing the part was a more difficult task. As her navy eyes, so quickly, looked over the women she had seen only briefly before, she recalled the words of Princess once more. The accusation of the past wrong doings on the part of the mother, and Cercelee pushed them from her mind. It was none of her concern now, for Tokyo had done nothing while in Dahlia de Mai that Cercelee knew about, and so when Cercelee addressed the Mai it was with a respectful and welcoming tone. “Greetings, how are you on this day?” Introductions were unnecessary, and Cercelee knew it, and she guessed (or rather hoped) this women would get straight to the point of the matter, acting a part was tiring work and not a job Cercelee wish to take part in longer than she had to.


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