the man in the trench coat
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Couldn't help but have him pick up the book he does XD

The man's dark claws traced over the bindings of the small books. He wasn't used to books that were so thin, many that he read himself were quite thick and weighty. But of course books for children would be much shorter. Their attention spans were not as long as adults and their brains could not puzzle out anything too large or complicated. He found himself wondering if the children would want to learn to read. Cwmfen didn't read, though she didn't appear to have any adversity to the skill. Onus had taught himself on those lonely nights in the broken city when he had been little more than a child himself. That had been before he had seen the statue of the Lady Justice. Before his life had taken its course. Those days seemed like a whole other life, a whole other person. Even looking back a year or two he was so different now. It was really quite amazing, how much love could transform someone. These transformations were mostly internal for the coyote, but in his mind they were resounding.

Masked eyes read the titles that lined the shelves. The Giving Tree, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Green Eggs and Ham, Where the Wild Things Are, The Velveteen Rabbit, and so on. It was really quite amazing how many books there were just for children. If they had started education so early it was no wonder that humans had become the dominate species. That same knowledge had lead to their destruction though. The coyote admired things about their predecessors but he also took them as a severe cautionary tale. The problems that had corrupted the human race were leaking into their own society. Yes, perhaps they had always been there, but things were different now. They weren't just dumb animals anymore. That was part of his mission, to make sure that they didn't repeat the mistakes of the past.

Deftly his fingers removed one of the slight books from the shelf, the one titled Where the Wild Things Are. He studied the image on the cover. A human boy in some strange outfit was stomping around with all manner of strange and fantastical beasts. They were nothing Onus had ever seen in nature or anywhere else for that matter. The humans and their imagination. That was one of the things that he could not grasp about them. The world of the vigilante was too cut and dry for him to be able to open his mind up to such fantastical thoughts and ideas. Suddenly the silence of the small shop was shattered and Onus swung around, his muscles tensing and ready to defend himself. His face didn't change, it never did, not even in situations like this, it was only in his stance that you could see his surprise.

His own name reached his overlarge ears and he relaxed, recognizing the owner of that voice as her image met his hidden eyes. "Kaena." The children's book was still grasped in his hand and he looked down to it and then back to the Lykoi woman. He shifted his weight from one foot to another, only the slightest hint that he felt a little awkward. The man hadn't expected anyone to find him here and no doubt she would be quite curious as to why someone like him was in a store for children.


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