Place a Fortress Around My Heart
346 words~

Mati's words honestly surprised him. It was one thing to believe the words he spoke. It was another thing entirely to have such strong faith in another wolf that you felt you knew them better than they knew themselves. It was unsettlingly personal, and it took him a moment to realize why. "I think you're the only person who would ever say something like that."

A wry smile showed his pearly teeth in the dim glow of the lamp. It was true, though. Tokyo would believe anything about her son if she thought it was negative in any way. Savina would probably believe it; Ares was the kid that hit her daughter, after all. Princess was really the only one who might fit into that category, but her morality was so.. flexible. Ares sort of felt like if he was able to justify any action as rational, as good, that she'd believe he'd have done it. And that was even taking this out of the specific situation. If Ares ever told her he'd done, or intended to do, basically what Haven had, he was sure he'd get giggles and an "I told you this was fun" sort of attitude.

His resolution to let Mati seat herself if she wanted to wavered and vanished in his itch to be closer to her. Ares gestured at the seat beside him. "You should sit down." Ugh, that was a stupid way to put it. "I mean, if you want to, or anything." He followed up, awake enough now for his voice to sound as flustered as he was feeling. Some of the tension seemed to have leaked out through some crack or another, or maybe it had all just been in his head in the first place. It really did help, to know that she thought him a good person. He didn't know why, because he wasn't always sure of that himself, but.. it was nice, none-the-less. To have someone believe in you. Princess didn't count; she was his sister, and she cared way less about being good and proper.


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