The rabbit-hearted girl

lala sorry for my slowness but i'm trying to get more activey here!!

Watching the woman's reaction Leroy didn't let his annoynce show through, or at least he tried not to. Standing still his patterned form was very relaxed but strong on the surface, so much of his own patience was being used right now when he normaly would attack. Watching her Leroy let his words and their meaning set in for the mother, in the current moment he can understand that it might take a second.
"I think, what he's trying to ask is if you have any abilities that might serve the pack."
Leroy hadn't got to meet this new member personaly yet but this will have to do for the time being. Glancing over at the new female what seems to understand him better at the moment was quite likeable, her body was appealing with his cool colors that almost seems blue is some parts but her scars caought his unspoken attention. The thought lingered but he pushed it in the back of his mind for later. "Yes" Finn was balanceing him at the moment keeping him patince while the intruder didn't understand the simple invite, she seemed to know what was going on and maybe her voice was mych nicer to hear at the moment.

What the woman said did get his attention, a healer is somthing the pack does need and to really turn that down would be stupid on his part for the pack. Brows rose as his red eyes looked at the woman with a new, bright interest as his ears fanned forward listening to both woman speak. " A healer is somthing that we lack. With oue new litter of pups anything is bound to happen." Voice was much more relaxed. "..find solace. You will be better for to live here like she stated, with your current state it will hard for you to live through the winter let alone your child." A sigh left his lungs as they husky tilited his head before looking over at Finn for a moment, he wasn't going to ask what she jerked about before speaking again. "I'm Leroy, so all in all if your rather leave your welcome to though you can stay here.."


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