Catch me a 'Wabbit, I will! ... Or not.
Coming Tokyo? Big Grin
WC: 832

Ivory muzzle was nearly touching the ground as the AniWayan fairy slunk her way through the tall, waving golden grasses of an open meadow she had found, nearly invisible in the mix. Icy blue gems sparkled with amusement as the snowy female they belonged to continued her slow, determined movements towards the sound of running water. The chirps of a young fawn met erect harks as the white female came closer and closer to her prey. Despite the larger size of her halfling form, the downwind sun-spun lady knew how to keep hidden.

Her stout form raised slightly so that her sight could carry past the grasses. Puffing up her cheeks in discouragement, Ailbhe realized she couldn't see the fawn she'd been stalking. Its parents, a large 10 point buck, and a decently sized doe were grazing off to her left side, closer towards the stream she noted earlier. Brows furrowed and thick plume drooped in disappointment as she padded slowly off to the right, nose up and sniffing. Mentally, she prayed that the fawn had strayed away from its parents, and would be a little easier to take down without them around. Light pink tongue danced across glistening daggers and piercing, almost white eyes scanned the grasses before her for the fawn.

And there, a flash of brown and white leapt through the grasses before her. The fawn! Startled, but determined, Ailbhe jumped out of the grasses and took off after the fawn, who began crying out for his mother and father, legs flailing as the halfling struck out at it. This was an easy catch, for sure... WHAP! Suddenly blinded, the four-year old stopped suddenly, almost tripping and falling over her own four paws. Shaking her head, the culprit of her missed donation peeled off her eyes and fluttered to the ground.

Snarling, the obviously angry female slammed a retractable claw into the center of the paper, it turned out to be, and stared at it, willing it to burst into flames. At first the only noticeable difference to the fae as she glared at the paper was the fur along her neck. It lengthened out; the short, rough hair growing longer, longer, until it reached the ground in her bent over state. Almost immediately following were changes to her forelegs. In a seemingly painful manner, upper biceps lengthened, shifting her elbow downwards, moving the clawed paper away from her face. Triceps lengthened and became more pronounced as paws rearranged themselves and toes grew into dextrous fingers. Ivory haunches began to lengthen into thighs. Slowly at first, then a bit faster and faster, the angry dove began to double in size. Her her hind legs continued to lengthen, and with a sickening crackle of bones, new joints appeared at the ankles and wrists. Her ears moved slightly up her head, which had grown slightly to accommodate for the change in size her body had just underwent. Finally, her tail lengthened, and the fluffy marble fur layered thickly upon it became soft and velveteen. The paper still hung on her long claws, and finally, after these few minutes had passed, Ailbhe took the piece of parchment in her other hand.

The now Optime then stood up, long blue-streaked hair dancing around pronounced hips in the chilled breeze. Icy glare focused on the scrawled words the paper held- and though she had accidentally punctured a few of the sentences, rendering them unreadable, she could still make out a few easier phrases. Ailbhe wasn't the most talented reader, after all.

I am now a grown wolf. As such, I need a new title. A new Name. A new life.

I need something greater than that which I am now. Something stronger.

Something befitting. My close comrades have helped me see that.

And so, 'Ares' Chance shall be my new name, after the god of war and triumph!

Never again will I be looked down upon by those of my kind or any other!

Never again will I be called a child or ---------- -----------------------------

Never again will I be ------------------- ------------------- -------------------------- or anything of the sort!

Never again shall I be called 'Buttface'. I have evolved past my mother's childish tendencies....

She stopped. There was more to the paper, for sure, but the white Optime wasn't sure if she had read something right. Icy gems ran over that last sentence again. And again. And AGAIN. Wide eyes blinked a few times in confusion, and slim maw gaped open. Did this really mean someone was named.... 'Buttface'? Though she was unsure of exactly what the phrase meant- butt was an unfamiliar word to the rather refined female- she assumed that it was an insult. Gaping maw curled into a smile, then a bell-like chuckle, then a full out laughing fit. Slender arms wrapped around toned tummy as the ivory female rocked this way and that, laughing, laughing, laughing.

Oh what a wonderful thing it was to laugh so hard!

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