[M] a vampire in the devil town.
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/kae_razor.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
LOL, THIS IS KAE'S 420th POST Big Grin

    Strangely, the presence of all of these coyotes—family and friends alike—had only served to lift the hybrid's mood. Besides, she was too drunk to remember what she'd even been sad about in the first place, and now all these people were here to party... because? Why were they here to party? This confused Kaena enough to the point that she remained quiet for a few minutes as Hybrid finagled past her, thinking over this conundrum for several minutes, her single bleary eye passing from canine to canine until—Gabriel! The hybrid could not remember why she was so especially glad to see him, but she was, and here he was. Smiling a twisted-up smile, the golden hybrid's disapproval did not even register on the monochrome hybrid's face, she immediately took a staggering step toward him and made a grab for his arm. "Gaaabriel," she murmured, drawing out the vowel for far too long, punctuating the single word with a silly grin.

    Anselm muttered a few words and pushed out the door, and something in his slouched posture and drooped shoulders cut through the liquor, and the hybrid woman finally peered around at all of the faces surrounding her, single fire-gold eye and appropriate eye-patch, her muzzle wrinkling as she looked to each of the different coyotes' somber expressions. Only Razekiel looked halfway happy, and that was only because Kaena could see his droopy, bleary eyes now that he had holes for them. She turned slowly, still swaying, and suddenly set her arms on her hips, squaring her shoulders and glaring around at everyone else quite harshly. "Hey, hey, hey," she started, indignation in her slurred voice. "It's that guy's birthday," she said as loudly as she could muster, lifting one of her silvery paws to jerk her thumb toward the doorway into which Anselm had disappeared. There, the great mystery of the party was solved: it was Anselm's birthday, and here everyone else was looking like it was his goddamn funeral.


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