The slave boy
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He grimaced in despair when his stomach was empty and his middle floor finally started to relax a bit more. The boy continued to cough and spit for a bit, trying to erase the traces of bile. He clung to the boat’s railing like a cat to its owner at the veterinary. He was certain that if he did not hold on tight he would be thrown off board and drown or something. It was a silly thing to fear because Conor was a decent swimmer. However, everything seemed more dangerous and frightening than normal in this messy situation he had gotten himself into.

Conor’s nose twitched when the silvery luperci came over with a joint. The young male knew that some canines smoked different things, but he had never tried it. Perhaps he would have said no had the situation been different. The adult said that he would feel much better if he did and right now he felt quite horrible, afraid his bowels would start to twist and bring the remaining bile up and make him even more miserable. The boy received the joint, though his facial expression was more nervous than it was grateful.

The scent was sweet and completely different from those cigarette odours that he had smelled before. His father had once had this habit lighting a cigarette every now and then and it had smelled much more disgusting than this. Did not sweet encourage sickness though? Conor decided to try to completely ignore his whiny thoughts and put the end of the joint to his lips, inhaling deeply just as he had seen the man do moments before. Conor should not have done that.

Fire burned down all the way to his lunges and the young male gasped and coughed, for a moment certain that the silver man had poisoned him. Despite the strong desire to toss the lit joint away he kept on to it, but he felt his body churn sourly. How could this help at all! He realized that the man had talked again and reeled back to make sense of the words. The fire in his chest and throat was slowly subsiding now, but a gentle tingling was slowly spreading from the dying fire and through his body. Less rocking was good and he slowly crawled over to the man, sitting down next to him, taking another burning inhale of the marijuana before handing it over to the boat’s owner, coughing and gasping as he did.

Lavender eyes blinked slowly and he realized that it was very comforting to soften down his focus. Something very strange was happening. His brain... There was something very wrong with his head. It seemed to swell up (not in a particularly unpleasant way however) and create a layer of numbness to protect him from the outer world. His body was slowly drifting away from him, something that was impossible because it was still there and he could see his own hand wave experimentally in the air. ”I think I am losing my hand.” In fact that thought was very interesting, and the boy had to smile a bit at the mental image of his hand just detaching itself from his wrist and floating away. How silly that would be!


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