sever the shame we have come to reclaim.
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    Des Rêveurs, Savina.

    The silvery Russian trotted steadily onward, intent on exploring these lands for all they were worth. Rurik and his children been settled into the port in the city for almost a month and a half now. Familial duties had kept the Russian close to home for the most part, and he had hardly enough time to simply wander about and see the sights the world had to offer. Today, though, both Liliya and Silas had departed from their tiny home early, and Rurik was left to his own devices. Dinner was ready upon their return; the silvery Russian had managed to bring down an adolescent moose some days earlier, and they were still quite good on meat thanks to that kill. Though Rurik hadn't loved Verusha, he missed her presence; with her around, there was less work involved with the children, as they had shared the burden. For being slightly estranged and deeply resentful of each other, Rurik and Verusha had managed to make things work for their children.

    An oddly-shaped silhouette against the horizon drew the silvery wolf's attention, and he increased his pace, heading directly for the beached cruise ship with an expression of delight plastered across his features. "Now that's a ship," he murmured to himself, his brilliantly blue eyes shining as he made his way toward the ship, peering about for an apparent entrance. Some feet away from him, there was a rickety-looking walkway heading up to the uppermost deck, so the Russian headed right for it, climbing up the walkway quickly .Though it swayed just slightly beneath his weight, it seemed stable enough, and before long, Rurik was standing on an expansive deck. Letting out a whistle, the silver-furred man gazed around in appreciation, marveling at the ship's beauty.


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