sever the shame we have come to reclaim.


The telling of her past was obviously having some effect on the man, moreso than others, and Savina couldn't help but wonder if his own past held a similar theme. He hadn't mentioned having any issues with his own father, but that didn't necessarily mean that he did not. When he spoke she had to suppress a scoff, she had never been in the mindset of giving Serge another chance. As far as she was concerned he had had every opportunity to make things right with them but he never had. He had never offered any help or even a passing glance. They had been invisible to him, and may has well not have existed. She was certain that he did wish they didn't exist. Though at Rurik's next words she looked at him differently, not judgmentally, she was just seeing things in a different light.

She listened quietly and patiently as he revealed his story, about why he had returned here once again from his homeland. While there were similarities in what Rurik had done and what her father had done, there were also many differences. Right or wrong, this man had thought his lover had betrayed him and that the children she bore were not his. Such a thing would be difficult for anyone do deal with in a respectful and upstanding manner. Savina couldn't say what she would do if Kansas ever betrayed her in such a way (though she knew he never would) or worse, got another female pregnant. The mere thought of it made her sick to her stomach. In this way, while not condoning it, she understood why Rurik had reacted in the way that he had. Serge had no such excuse. He had seduced her mother and Amata had been the only one who had had to deal with the negative consequences. He had broken her heart for no reason other than he didn't want to look bad or pay the price. She doubted if he had even cared for Amata in the slightest.

"I am sorry that happened Rurik, and that you're having to live with that guilt. But, I cannot really blame you for reacting in the way that you did. Thinking that your loved one could have been unfaithful to you and having children that were not your would make anyone react rashly." Though this did not make her see her father in a different light. "One thing I can say with certainty though, is that you are not Serge, and Serge is not you. Perhaps you two did similar things, but Serge was not in the emotionally strained situation you were. He chose his status over his responsibility. He took advantage of my mother. You are at least trying to make things right. Serge, I do not think, will ever care enough to do even that much." Honestly, she didn't think she wanted him too. There was nothing that he could do that would ever make up for everything. The woman didn't have it in her heart to forgive him.

The Marino knew that her chances of surviving what she had were incredibly slim. There were not many who would have lived through such an experience. "Lucky, yes. Or perhaps it was fate." Savina didn't think that everything happened for a reason, but with all that had happened here she found it hard to believe that she hadn't been meant to come here. Finding her mate, being reunited with both her brother and sister, it was hard to pass off so much as coincidence. "I trust in the ocean. I do not think it will take me before my time." She was "of the sea", after all.


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