Pretend I am your Queen
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Libribabe. This fails. Gah. :| 300+

There was no way to turn back time. Alexey knew this, because up until recently, she'd tried just about everything to do so. For the longest time now, the Acer had found comfort in the daily routine she'd settled into. A predictable lifestyle provided her with the security she so desperately sought; that alone had always been enough to satisfy the Acer. Her very existence revolved around nurturing others; Conor and Emwe above all. But now, times were changing. With them nearing the age of one, Alexey found herself unsure of what the future held for her. Having no control over such things was unsettling to say the least. How quickly they had grown up.

Conor's love and appreciation had expanded over time, stretching far beyond their close-knit relationship. It was definitely a good thing for him to frequent other wolves; many of their packmates, for example, had impressive skills and hobbies of their own. Perhaps he'd even get to learn a few things. Alexey had no particular talent to relay; nothing that could've been of use to a young wolf. After all, it was only normal for the Soul boy to seek knowledge elsewhere. Although Alexey understood this, she couldn't help but worry. Would Conor eventually move on? It was a strong possibility, one far too realistic. It left her feeling helpless and intimidated by what would inevitably happen. Accepting fate was much easier with Emwe, mostly because he'd always been much more independent. At least that's what she often told herself. But with Conor, things were different. Things would always be different with him.

There was a harsh, almost severe expression on her face as she tried to make sense of the chaos in her mind. Thankfully, Lexey's strenuous task was soon interrupted by swift movement to the left. A fiery blur appeared around the corner, and the Caregiver's frown instantly vanished as her golden gaze found the fox's big brown eyes. He was fully grown now, dotted with a new set of teeth and a silky coat of apricot fur. His presence, as always, foreshadowed his owner's. Her nose twitched with recognition as Conor's scent slowly wafted to her. Her little prince had come home.


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