[J] I would have stayed up with you all night...

Table code, image, and Filler © Jacoby!

OOC// Alright, so, this takes them back to Chien hotel - Somebody wanna come in and meet/accept poor little Sylvie? :3


Her fleet paws felt they could not move fast enough. Shadows grappled with ivory heels, the moon having become an avenging evil, it's sinister intent displayed in hot white light for the whole damn world to see. Her heart raced, the pulse a humming-bird in the she-dog's throat, and ribcage shivered with exhaustion; But on and on went the cream-pelted beauty, her jade eyes fixed on a point far in the distance where trees would break away and the hotel would spear into view.

Her mind, in an effort to retain hope, lied profusely. Just around this corner! Almost there. Oh, no... Just around the next corner, then! But the corners kept coming, and the forepaw she'd sprained was beginning to throb. Though adrenaline kept the pain away, it was most uncomfortable, and slowed her nigh reckless pace.

The pup in her maw wiggled, and tried valiantly to curl in on itself. Her intelligence in healing knew that the poor thing must be freezing, but there was precious little she could do about it. The girl's life was in the balance, and only her own strength of character would get her though this alive - A weaker thing would perhaps have already been dead.

Hot breath rushed out through her maw in faltering gasps, flowing around the little fur-bundle's head. And just as she felt despair begin to set in, bones melting with exertion and eyes watering with the sting of wind and bramble and body, the great sentinel pines split apart, and the weathered form of the hotel burst into view. Hope bloomed in her chest, and Alaine picked up her heels, sprinted that last stretch like her own life depended upon it. She reached the door and was already half-shifting, body too tired to be able to accomplish such without pain. Gently placing the pup on the wooden step, the young beauty stifled a sharp yelp as she felt her bones re-align, muscles move like liquid under her skin. Finally, she scooped up the girl in her arms and held her as close as possible, two legs trembling as the cream optime staggered up the stairs to bash futilely upon the wooden door.

" Help! Somebody, we need... help out... here! PLEASE!"

Her voice, usually of musical tone and notable quality, was now strained and broken by heavy gasps. One hand scrabbled at the doorknob till it finally opened and she could stagger into the room, her precious bundle cradled close.

Speak think walk!


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