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The low rumble of the surf crashing against the jagged rocks below filled the brief wait. The king did not like silence, nor did he like routine or order. Noise, passion, chaos, they were all what made him thrive. He was clever enough to realize, however, that a kingdom based on entropy was one far too unstable to last the harsh winter.

They had coasted so far, the unhunted land providing a natural bounty, and the neighboring packs mostly staying to themselves. Cour des Miracles was the only territory not aligned against Inferni, and Jacquez felt as though that gave them an advantage over the purist wolves. Of course, things were shaky with Dahlia de Mai, but their beast Haku had not caused trouble since. Basically, the king was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and wanted them to be prepared.

Without turning around, the brooding monarch cocked his head and called out, "If you were to lay siege on a territory, would you consider a handicapped leader a weakness to exploit?" He scratched his chin, dark eyes reflecting the grey sea before him. "I know Phoenix Valley and Inferni both have rulers that are missing an eye, but there haven't been any blind leaders, have there..." The tall dog turned on his footpaw, peering inquisitively at the dog he had summoned. His past was shrouded in mystery, but he carried himself like a man who'd seen combat of some sort. Was this who he was looking for?

Table by Sara-joe!

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