it's hardest hue to hold
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That's awesome, I can't wait to see it. Gabe totally went into ADD mode, hah.

    Sulking, head low, Gabriel did his best to ignore the girl at his side. She was mean, she didn’t like coyotes, and in all of his months he had never met anyone like that. Of course, he had never met anyone outside of Inferni, and they all knew he was something special. After all, both of his parents were important people! They were a prince and a queen! That was how he romanticized it, anyway, the way he and his siblings thought of their parents.
    Coming to a complete stop, she put herself directly in his place. With that sulking frown still on his face, the boy stared disdainfully at the dog. For a long time (long for a kid, at least), he was silent. “Okay,” he relented. Almost instantly, his demeanor changed, and he was smiling. “But I’m gonna be the leader! We’re gonna be explorers!” Suddenly happy with this notion, the coyote-looking boy wagged his tail. “You’re not weird looking, but you’re reaaallly fuzzy. My dad’s a wolf and he’s not even that fuzzy! Oh! That could be your explorer name! Baneesh and I always use explorer names!” He was thrilled with the idea, and could hardly contain the energy rushing through his tiny body.


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