it's hardest hue to hold
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    Like Alaine, the adult world of politics had left his mind. It was now a place where two kids (two explorers, he corrected) were free to find whatever they wanted. The excitement he had brought forth from the girl was enough to make his little puppy tail wag furiously, now doubly excited. Ever since he had been born Syemv had been off-limits, but anything off-limits was clearly somewhere awesome.
    Even at her endless questions, he focused at the task on-hand—smelling the air. He knew what the pirates smelled like because his mother had insisted they learn the borders, and done so because then she could tell then what not to do (embellishing on what she would do to them if they were ever caught). Their father didn’t care as much, usually just nodding his head or saying a few words between a cigarette. “Pfft, nothin’ scares me either. And no, it’s not haunted. There’s real pirates there though!” He added, the drama back in his voice. “One of them has a peg leg and an eye patch and a sword and a parrot too!” That’s what all pirates looked like, you see. “We’re gonna sneak in and go steal their treasure! Their uh…dub…dub…” He frowned, unable to remember the name from the book his father had read them. “Dubmoon? Dub…doubloons! Yeah! They have doubloons!”


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