it's hardest hue to hold
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She paused, watching with a kind of idolization as her new 'leader' bravely stepped forth and sniffed at the air, his childish face scrunched in concentration before turning to her with an aura of drama. Like a good storyteller, Gabe made her blood pressure rise, the wagging of collie tail suddenly suspended to his words.

" Real... Pirates?"

His description added to her hesitation. Real pirates! Papa would just KILL her if he found out that they were 'sploring the ship of REAL PIRATES. There was a niggling feeling in her tummy, like, maybe you shouldn't do this. Maybe this is a bad idea. Round green eyes lifted to Gabriel, whom already had his back turned to her, his boyish voice flowing back to tell of doubloons and treasure. Alaine winced, her paws stuck to the earth for a moment... What was worse, being a coward, or being eaten alive by bloodthirsty pirates?

Well, obviously, the answer to that was pretty clear.

" Wait up for me!" She bounded forth again, double the energy, though pretty gaze nervously scanned the surrounding tundra. Atleast, if she was gonna get eaten, she wouldn't be a yellow-bellied chicken while doing it.

" How do you know so much about pirates, anyways?" Her eyes narrowed suspiciously on the leggy boy, one paw batting at the blur of his wagging tail, " You aren't one, are you? Or, your Papa, he isn't one, right? Cause my Papa thinks that pirates are real terrible. Not that you are terrible, or anything. But they are. And if you are a sorta pirate, well, that would make me pirate-bait!"

Speak think walk!


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