it's hardest hue to hold
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OOC: Sure thing! This is fun xD

They crept along for what felt like an eternity to the impatient little pups, bellies to the dirt and ears to the sky, just waiting for some terrible pirate menace to spot them and make them dinner. Alaine felt the electricity of adrenaline run through her little fluffy body, and acknowledged the mixture of excitement and fear that pounded in her veins as what explorers were supposed to feel.

Just as it seemed they were completely alone, a howl rent the distant air, and the little girl's heart leaped up into her throat.

Gabe said something, but she couldn't hear it over the rush of blood in her little puppy ears. Her leader went into a flat-out sprint, his longer legs moving with far greater speed than Alaine's shorter collie ones. With a whimper in her throat, the cream girl sprinted after the boy, her lungs screaming for air, the hair along her nape prickling. PapaPapaPapaPapaPapaPapaPapaPapa! But there was no sound of pursuit, nor any further howls, and after a moment of terror the grasses spilled them out onto a gritty, sandy shore. And there, in the cove where clear blue water lapped meekly at it's sides, was the pirate ship.

Truth be told, it was not particularly impressive. Worn wood, rotting masts, the stench of fish guts. But to the little explorer princess, it was AMAZING.

" Sie... Sie-Em-Vuh. Sy-em-v. Syemv?"

Her pretty little voice broken by pants, Alaine sounded out the letters carved into the side of the large vessel. She knew how to read a little bit, because Papa insisted that his daughters were brought up to be proper young ladies. Her emerald eyes wide with awe, she turned to her accomplice.

" Syemv! This is the pirate ship!"

Speak think walk!


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