Mommy's little girl

Curly tail moved slowly behind his patterned form as Leroy looked back at the mess of trees,bushes, water, and mud. Listening closely as his crimson eye watched again. Maybe the husky is starting to hear stuff, hell maybe he starting to loss it just a little bit. Water dripped off his patterned, soaked pelt as he watched more closely at the mess of shapes looking for anything that could have caught his attention. Blinking Leroy was sure he heard a sound as he tilited his head while his brows pushed together, ears fanned foward as his healthy eye noticed the black pup that seemed to be growling at him.

Leroy didn't speak as his blood colored eye meet the icy blue of the female pup before him that has taken such a brave pose, though the husky would have opened both eyes he doesn't feel like have blood blur his vision again. "What in the hell are you doing out here alone?" Looking over the pup the male stepped slightly to the side as his eyes watched it, why was somthing soo small out her without any protection. Breathing Leroy thought to himelf for a moment.


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