Yearbook 2009
'Souls Yearbook 2009

Here it is, guys! The 4th Annual 'Souls Yearbook!

What's This About?!

We will be gathering current character information, pictures, and favorite threads to be immortalized in a yearbook website at the end of the year. You can see our previous yearbooks here. We'll also be taking suggestions for Superlatives. The SA will select the best of the Superlatives and take nominations for each title. When the nomination period is over, voting will begin and at the end of the voting, everything chosen and submitted will be made into the Yearbook. :]

HOMG Where do I sign up?!

All we need is some information!

Character Submission Form
Please fill out on form for each of your characters, new or old, that was played at 'Souls within the year 2009.

Character Name:
Character Pack:
One or two line quote for your character:
150x150 (exact) picture of your character (please do NOT include a 1px black border):
Favorite thread involving this character:

Superlative Submission

What would you like to see as a Superlative category? Cutest Couple? Best Mentor? Worst Mentor? Best Parents? Most Likely to Assassinate Their Leader? You are not limited to the amount of Superlatives that you submit.

Timeline and Deadlines

  • 1st December: Character submissions begin! Superlative suggestions begin!
  • 13th December: Superlative suggestions end.
  • 16th December: Superlative nominations begin!
  • 25th December: Superlative nominations end, voting begins!
  • 28th December: Character submissions end.
  • 30th December: Superlative voting ends.
  • 31st December: Yearbook is live!


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