The Great New Moon Ceremony

The first day after the full moon in the month November, we celebrate the creation of our world, and cleanse ourselves for good luck in the coming harder moons.
This time of year was when the world we know came into existence. To celebrate, we hold a three-day celebration feast, day and night. Every member of the tribe will bring to the feast a decent amount of food to share with one's fellows. During the evening of the first two days of the ceremony, the tribe feasts on these foods, but they should also last 'till the end of the third day. During the days we dance and play games to celebrate the creation of our world. We also re-enact the creation story, as well as we can with the limited bodies we possess. On the third day, the tribe gathers by the closest river to dip into in the cold water - cleansing ourselves seven times to please the soul and the spirits. Goodwill from above will be necessary to sustain our numbers through the winter. One by one, each member meets with the Great Priest to receive a prediction of health. Then, the feast continues until the moon as at his highest - and we return to our hearths again.

This thread is mandatory. Members who do not post before the closing of this thread will be removed from the ranks. A PM to inform everyone has been sent out to every current member of the tribe. Naturally, members joining after the creation of this thread do not have to participate.

We skip the 'arriving part'. This is the part where each member bathes and then meets with the Great Priest, here Dawali as the highest trained medic of the tribe. You can exit the thread after just one post, or continue posting afterwards as you please.

Place: Adagio Creek (info on the territory here.)
Ember posts after Dawali, then the order is random.



Euipoi: not required; joining date = thread date.

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

On the bank lay a decent pile of skins and salvaged blankets from Halifax, gathered for the tribesmembers to use. The river was cold this time of year, and he refused to let any of them catch a cold. Then again, most of them were protected by their furs; he was not as lucky himself. His own species had a much thinner coat, and therefore also a thinner winter-coat, than the average wolf. Still it provided him with some protection of course, just not as much as he would like. For once he was jealous of the others. Still, his mane and the ornaments attached to it warmed his shoulders and neck more than the mane of others, perhaps.

He stood knee-high in the chilled water, every so often giving a small shudder. The river crept slowly past him as he looked at the members of the tribe gathered here to take part in the spiritual happening. Perhaps they were not all of the spiritual kind, but this was the package that came with living in this tribe. Once accepted to a community, an individual should be prepared to do what was expected of him or her, in return for all the benefits. And AniWaya certainly had a great amount of benefits. With the recent acquisition of a bull they could start breeding with, the future looked bright for them. They would never lack meat. Clearing his throat to gain the members' attention, he spoke up with an deep, booming voice, laden with authority, but not unpleasantly so. A spark shone in his eye and a smile played on his lips. "This is the time to prepare ourselves for the winter. We should cleanse our bodies in order to protect ourselves from the lethal touch of winter's chill." He admired the winter for its beauty, but much prey succumbed to that gracious chill, and as long as there was snow on the ground the possibility of starvation loomed over them. "We will all dip our full body under the water seven times to ensure that we are clean. Then, get a blanket and come and speak to me." Having already cleansed himself, he now stepped out of the water and retreated to a fire some fifty-or-so yards away from the bank. The feasting and celebration would continue after this session, but then playtime was over, and winter would be upon them.


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