to bring good tidings
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    The mention of her daughter had spurned a flame of hatred in the hybrid's heart, and Kaena remembered waking up, half-dead, to an empty meadow and a corpse. Eris should have been there—no, instead she was gone. The hybrid woman had only given hate to her daughter from that moment on, though she had expected some form of contact eventually. This was entirely unexpected, some child of Eris's kidnapper sent to appease her in some way? The hybrid couldn't understand yet how this canine could be a gift; that concept perplexed her entirely and her brain hadn't even begun to wrap around that yet.

    The other canine's submission did not go unnoticed by Kaena, who recognized the aversion of the eyes. Her confirmation was of little use to Kaena, who shook her head, trying to straighten the jumble of thoughts bouncing around inside of it. "Eris left me to die. Why would she give a shit about me?" the hybrid demanded, not realizing this was a question Vieira might not be able to answer. The coyote still did not comprehend the nature of their relationship, not until the coyote again spoke, answering the woman's question with her name. It was Kaena's immediate assumption that Eris would be so brash as to extend the surname to a canine not of their blood, and it made her strangely angry, almost violated.

    "Serve me? Are you certain it's not to kill me in my sleep or poison our water?" the hybrid said. She did not know her daughter beyond the small puppy she'd been when Astaroth first took her, and the momentary image of her on the edge of the meadow where she'd fought Astaroth were no insight into the coal-furred woman's personality. Kaena suspected some foul play here. The coyote could not help but think badly of her daughter; as far as Kaena knew, she was a simple traitor, and that was all. "You're a slave?" The question was sudden, and the tone far less barbed than either of the previous ones. The tone had reverted to incredulous, then—it was a sudden realization to the hybrid.


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