the big bang theory
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    The silver-furred woman's sleep was fitful and interrupted by nightmarish sequences that might have been fatal if a child's mind had concocted them. Haku's head reared up at her, connected to an impossibly large snake's body, covered with slick greenish scales and open, festering sores. His snarl ended in a hiss, and he wrapped her up completely in his muscular and strong body, pressing her ribs together with sickening cracks, her breath escaping her, the world growing dark and dim—

    With a start, she awoke, a soundless snarl placed on her russet-splashed muzzle. It was rather early for Kaena to be waking up, but she hadn't slept well last night and with such images running through her mind she didn't want to try for more sleep. Standing up, the hybrid paced forward, heading for the entrance of her cave and turning right around again to pace back toward her bedding area. Her golden-yellow eye glanced to the shadowed alcove where Viei was currently asleep, or so the hybrid assumed.

    For no particular reason, the ash-colored hybrid desired for the younger canine to already be awake and doing something productive—something, anything. Kaena hadn't told her anything in particular, but she was annoyed at the Quintus now that it was in her head, and the moments ticked by and the coyote completed round after round of pacing, up and down the cave she went, again and again. She grew more irritated with the minute, her coal ears flattened against her head and the hair along her spine rising.


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