the big bang theory
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    Kaena wished she had fingers; if she did she would have stuck them through the shiny silver hoop in the other canine's nose and dragged her out of there. A boiling type of rage had invaded her chest and pervaded her mind, and she felt it rise within her, threatening to spill over and lash out at anything within her reach. It had felt damn good to reach out and almost bite the other canine, and the hybrid wondered malevolently what it would be like to taste her blood. There was no urge to murder within the hybrid yet, but there was the desire to see rivers of red flow out from wounds she'd inflicted on others, and those feelings became murderous quite easily.

    The girl spoke, and the hybrid whirled on her, goaded to anger by her dreams and her sorrow. There was a great amount of self-hatred for her inaction, for thinking being fucked was better than dying, for failing to fight back—many reasons for the hybrid to hate herself, and Viei had sparked her ire by as simple a thing as sleeping in past when Kaena thought she should be up. "Maybe I should send you back to Eris, tell her you're a failure," the hybrid snapped, pacing in front of the younger canine, stomping in an almost petulant way.


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