your sons and your daughters
       Kaena did not think she was being cruel to Vieira. The other canine had been provided her own private space, she was well-fed. Kaena had not asked her to do anything beyond trekking to the city—which was admittedly dangerous, but then again, Kaena didn't feel she was responsible for what might have happened to the other canine on her way to and from the city. And anyway, Vieira had gone to and returned from Halifax with no trouble, easily procuring the items Kaena had requested. She was still in one piece, and the journey hadn't killed her.

       The hybrid woman's scarred muzzle wrinkled as the other canine spoke, and Kae tilted her head to the side, considering her words. Vieira was child of Astaroth Kimaris, was she not? This was, simply put, a unexpected added profit of slaying him. What had been his became Eris's, and through her actions the coyote slave had come to be Kaena's. It was simple in the hybrid's mind; perhaps if Vieira was simply some random coyote she would have found it in her to release her from her bonds. The silver-furred woman had long realized how the dark-furred coyote had viewed and used his women, and if Vieira's primary contact in her early life had been that man, perhaps she was too far gone to even consider release.

       "She's a child of Astaroth Kimaris. Much different than you or me. She's not got my blood in her to counteract his like Samael and Razekiel," the hybrid rationalized. Samael and Razekiel were lovely and beautiful because they only had half of Astaroth's blood; the rest was her own. Their early life had been spent with Kaena, and she knew they were very, very different from the small, weak thing Astaroth had spawned with some other woman.

       "I am good to her. She's got food, she's got her space. She's not doing anything she doesn't want to do," the silver-furred canine rephrased, though this certainly was not the truth. Kaena would not have chased Vieira if she chose to leave Inferni and run far away; it was not in her interest to go chasing anyone off into the middle of nowhere anymore. "I wouldn't hurt her," the hybrid said, lying through her teeth. She had hurt Vieira, she had hurt her beyond the realm of physical pain the other morning.

Thanks to Akumu for the table!

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