Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand
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Table code and image © to Alaine
OOC: :3 :3

Her melodic voice had sounded so fragile among the quick pounding of the man, his fists a bandaged blur that seemed intent on pummeling whatever haunts had been pictured upon that dangling bag. But at her soft greeting, the stranger stopped, his lean body hefting to still the swinging weight. His golden eyes watched her in silence for a moment, and Alaine felt regret rise up in her throat. She shouldn't be here, invading this place... It wasn't her place, it was clearly his. Damn curiosity had bested her again!

But, alas, he returned the greeting. She blinked, momentarily confused, before recalling that not everyone in this place was a monster, ready to maul her just for existing.

The slender lady took another step forward, her piercing emerald eyes giving him a swift once-over. She was shorter than him, but the other didn't appear to be particularly malicious, nor overly territorial of her invading his quiet. The cream beauty smiled thinly, her gaze still nervous, anxious.

" I was just... Erm..."

What was she doing, again? Those honey eyes, and their intent stare, were rather off-putting.

" Have you seen a little girl about here? Her name is Sylvie. I... I'm her guardian."

There, that was safe grounds. She knew Sylvie wasn't here, but atleast it was an excuse for her to come wandering in. Hands fiddled anxiously, clasping each other as if to give her something to hold onto. It was clear that the young beauty was uncomfortable in the strangers presence, though the good decorum she'd had drilled into her maintained it would be rude to back out now.

Speak think walk


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