Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand


The girl was not exactly anyone to him, Heath had only met her once. For that the male kept the small pup at a distance, hoping to not get attached to the immature figure. She would get trampled trying to herd anything and everything, and he was sure he would be blamed even though he warned her. But secretly he watched out for her small brown form among the sheep and cows that roam the stables. He already knew what he would be getting the next time he searched the city's library. Books on shepherds, sheep, shearing, cattle. It was all for the small collie dog, though Heath was too rough to admit it.

"I've met her." He spoke with eyes off the woman.
"She came wandering around days ago." she had been the one trotting around looking to fill her curiosity and searching for answers to all those questions. Heath was almost convinced that all the little dog spoke in was in question form.

"Heath." he willingly gave as he accepted her hand. He shook it once before releasing it and stepping back again. He didn't like that Sylvie was out and about without the supervision that the woman was supposed to give. But it had to be difficult to keep an eye on such an energetic pup. Heath would have lost her the moment she entered his care.
"How long has she been gone?" he asked, stepping forward so that they could begin the search.


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