Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand
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Table code and image © to Alaine

His handshake was firm, and brisk. All business, Alaine thought with a profound desire to step back again, put distance between them. It wasn't anything Heath had done, oh no. Why, her innermost heart knew this man to be a good character already - she could gage that much from his honey eyes. But it was a past that haunted her own piercing emeralds, made even the slight contact unwelcome, reluctant. Unwilling to seem phased by the reaction of her body, the young mother forced a grim smile across her maw.

" So you are Heath? The stablemaster. She... Spoke of the stables, a while back, of wanting to see what animals were here."

Now, she did peer up at him intently, as if searching the young man's expression for something deeper, something she could trust. Apparently satisfied, the lady straightened, brushed her palms absently on the front of her green summer dress.

" Only since this morning, and this is not the first time she's disappeared," Strange inverted optics scanned the interior of the stables absently as she spoke, before alighting back on Heath again, " I should have clarified. I'm not worried, merely curious... Well, lest she be meeting other strangers I don't know about."

There was a faintly dissatisfied tone to her melodic, female voice. Not quite accusing, but more inquiring, as to the growing relationship between this young man and her newest charge.

" I hope she didn't cause you any trouble, Sir... Might I ask, what she came to speak with you about?"

Speak think walk


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