Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand

sounds good!!

To some he looked like the sort of creature that would enjoy destroying the innocence of a small child. His dark and molted pelt, the scars along his face and chest, not to mention the large paws that had once so willingly destroyed things made others weary of him. In the end he was too thin, and too lanky to be of any true harm. But it was Ruri that had truly leashed him. He had often sought to beat the pansy out of males who had been shackled to a stake by a female. Locked down, tied. They had lost their backbones and clung to packlife with no true manhood. But, he had been immature and naïve, then. There was nothing better then having the love of a woman he never thought he deserved. And, he was happily tamed. Now he worked towards the protection of the lands he was bound to and the female that held his leash.

“She’s smart.” Heath responded. Those that didn’t seek the unknown would simply peak in their knowledge early and then plateau far below average. The small pup most likely held more information then Heath did, though she might not know exactly how to use all of it yet. Heath would have the advantage for another week, and then he was certain the pup would be able to out smart him.

The woman’s weary look made Heath turn his tone softer and less gruff,
“Don’t worry.” Lumière was far more keen then either of them, and it was likely that the roan mare had seen the pup while they were both occupied.
“We should check the northern pasture, the sheep hang around there.” He added, touching the horses neck and pointing for her to start walking out into the field. He trusted the horse with his life and knew that she would never hurt the small pup. Clearing his throat the male asked when his curiosity brought forth the question, “You only look after Sylvie?” For some reason he thought there was another small dog in the mix, perhaps the little girl had mentioned it.



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