Whatever ha[p]pens in the past
Flayra laughed a little as the female said more about the rain. "Yeah, rain is as unpredictable as... well... wind I suppose," she said, identifying what she thought of the rainy seasons. Considering that it was the season for snow, there has been more rain lately, probably pre-snowy seasons. "Me? No. I'm old enough conceive, but no haven't."

Flayra nodded to the female. "Good to meet you too." She looked down to the pups. She never saw pups before, under the age of two months. She had her mind on pups and the whole mothership thing. She doesn't have a mate, yet this on her mind. However, she returned to the conversation. "Well, he's in Phoenix Valley, so yeah I would understand that." Turning about memories, "Memories of different sorts reside here."

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