just a peak
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... eebie3.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
sorry for the slowness T-T

Kable's body frozen for a second when Night's dark form came out of no where, jumping at him he tried to turn away from her. His heart almost went through his chest at the sudden startle of the pup. Moving his puppy legs in the wetground didn't help much since he froze with Night attacked, her body smaked him and he almost fell into the wet cold ground. "Hey!"

Barking out in a annoyed voice his deep red eyes looked back at the blue ones of the older pup, ears back he snapped back with his own puppy teeth as he barked again. "Why do ya gota scare me?! Get off!" Kicking Kable wiggled his body to be free of the female. His heart was racing from the scare and he was going to get mad as his skin started to hurt.


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