octane twisted - leader needed

Hybrid stalked through the Inferni lands, a sour smile plastered on his rotten maw. He did not bother concealing his movements -- after all, these were the clan lands he inhabited. He had no reason to skulk around like some wolf. In the last few months, Hybrid had taken to patrolling the borders more often, deciding it was time to take it upon himself to rid the lands of the foolish wolves. Even with the rather recent addition of a new wolf's skull, the gross displays of brutality hardly seemed to faze the wolves. Even with the wolf's foreleg attached to a nearby pike, nothing seemed to keep the vermin at bay. And Hybrid would have none of it.

Only a month and a half ago, he and Mason had found a yellow wolf lurking about the borders. Mason had seen to it the the trespasser was treated appropriately. And Hybrid would see the same fate befall any other wandering wolf.

Hybrid increased his pace, allowing his long, gangly legs to bring him farther south along the borders. Although he was smaller than most coyotes, and dwarved in comparison to Gabriel, Hybrid had the physique of a pure coyote -- long legs, large ears, and a narrow muzzle. And this creature before him was most certainly not a coyote -- or at least, not a fullblooded one. He looked like some awkward mix between a wolf and a piece of shit. That is, if wolves could breed.

"What the fuck are you doing here, you little shit? You're beyond the borders, get the fuck out of Inferni," Hybrid demanded, visibly seething. He stalked closer, moving easily in his Secui form. This little snot-nosed kid would pay for his transgressions.

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