octane twisted - leader needed
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/bullskullorange.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

Silas didn’t feel as if he had been in Inferni long before he was intercepted. This clan member, whoever he was, was obviously seething. His anger radiated from his entire frame as those blood red eyes fixated malevolently upon Silas. Though he didn’t understand every word that came from beyond those gleaming teeth, Silas understood the inflection. He wasn’t wanted here. At least, not by this less than hospitable coyote. "Где Мейсон? Я подумал, что я найду его окрестностях здесь. В конце концов, он сказал, что Защитнику Inferni, или нечто подобное. Я подумал он будет официальным разведчиком или что-то. А Вы уверены, что не слишком дружественные, да? Ну, я думаю, я бы подождал вдоль границы тоже, но все же ... попробуйте освещение вверх."

He took a breath, letting the Russian fall over Hybrid. Silas merely looked back at him with all innocence appearing on his features. "Sorry? I don’t understand zhese vords," he replied, trying to keep his Chesire smile under lock and key for now.


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