octane twisted - leader needed
http://sleepyglow.net/souls/gifts/bullskullorange.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">

Silas’ words hung in the air for a moment, and the stranger took a few steps forward. It seemed as if there was only a few seconds of hesitation before Hybrid was lunging at Silas. The Russian boy barely had any time to react. Although he tried artfully to dodge the blow, he felt the painful tear as Hybrid’s claws caught fur. The boy stumbled, cradling his face in his palms and recoiling. He hadn’t quite expected for this interaction to turn out anything like this. In the haste of the attack, he hadn’t even heard what it was that the coyote had yelled at him. Only one word hung in the air – Syemv. Silas had no idea what it meant.

Pulling his hands away from his face, Silas set his gaze on Hybrid once again. The Hydra had not yet made another move to attack, and Silas remained crouched. Even though he was in his Optime form, Hybrid in secui seemed much more fearsome than Silas could ever be. "Что ебать", Silas hissed as blood began to seep from his wounds. "Ees zhis how you treat all guests?"


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